Sunday 30 August 2015

Free Milk for Parents

On Friday the health team gave free samples of Fonterra milk for schools to parents.This was because we wanted to show them how nice our free milk was. It was yummy By Luke hall

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Eggs, eggs, eggs!

Finally!!! The chickens have started to lay eggs again. It's been a term and two weeks since they have laid. Today they laid two eggs and they were warm, so that meant they were really fresh.

Here, meet one of the fantastic chickens Mary, and her two friends are a little shy and they are called Sparkle and Midnight. 
By Isabella and Kyla.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Health Team

A few weeks ago the health team, parents and the lady in charge had a meeting and we talked about what we could give children instead of lollies for a prize. We thought that little cards with something on them, for example getting free time in the library. We thought that was the best idea. By Eliotte